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24-25 ABC Pathfinder Awards (November-TK)

Certificate of Excellence – Participation

K1A - Man Tsz Yan

Yannie has a pleasant personality and an excellent attitude towards learning. She is a great listener and shows great enthhusiasm in participating in all class activities. She follows directions, completes her work, and remains an active learner throughout the school day.

Certificate of Excellence – Creativity

K2A - Lau Cheuk Nam

Nam Nam is a cheerful boy with wild imaginations. He is able to expand the topic by giving examples of his experiences and put himself in the shoes of the characters in stories. He shows true creativity when he thinks of different animals related to the shapes of his bites on his sandwich during snack time. Keep it up, Nam Nam!

Certificate of Excellence – Respect

K2A - Tam Tsz Wai

Tsz Wai is a respectful child with excellent manners. She demonstrates politeness and thoughtfulness towards her peers and teachers every day by saying excuse me, please and thank you, and is considerate of other people's feelings. Not only does she wait for her turn patiently, but she also never speaks over anyone. Awesome job, Tsz Wai!

Certificate of Excellence – Bravery

K3A - Mak Shun Hei

Bobo prides herself on taking on the many obstacles and jobs in our classroom. She is consistantly the first one to try when it comes to new activities and never backs down on any tasks that might be difficult. She enjoys facing challenges and shows great enthusiam in accomplishing anything. Well done Bobo!


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International Kindergarten

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