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ABC Pathfinder Awards (May-WP)

Certificate of Excellence – Participation

PNA - Wan Man Nok

Donna has been a great addition to our class and she has become a very active participant in every lesson. She demonstrates great enthusiasm to participate in all classroom activities. And she always shows how much she enjoys music by singing and jumping along to the beat in the class. Congrats Donna!

Certificate of Excellence – Bravery

PNA - Wu Yi Nok

Lena is a very independent and mature girl in class. She has also made good progress quickly in tackling new challenges and tasks at school. She always tries her best on everything and ensures that each task is completed to her best ability. You have done a great job, Lena! Congratulations!

Certificate of Excellence – Contribution

PNA - Leung Yik Shun

Ives always comes to school with so much excitement. He has great skills in asking questions and telling stories in complete sentences in the class. He really enjoys talking to the teachers and telling his friends and teachers what he sees around him. We look forward to hearing more! Great job, Ives!

Certificate of Excellence – Kindness

PNB - Wu Xinrui

Xinrui has a calm and pleasant personality as she always gives a lovely smile to all her teachers and friends. Whenever she wants to socialize with her classmates, she approaches them with a gentle tap and sometimes a hug. You are such an angel, Xinrui!

Certificate of Excellence – Kindness

K1A - Lam Tsz Yue

Sylvia has been one of the most caring students in our class. Her friendly and sweet nature has made her many friends and it has been lovely to see her show so much kindness towards her classmates and teachers. She will always try her best to cheer her friends up, often giving them a tissue if they are ever upset. She has also encouraged others to show kindness towards each other, often asking several friends to play together. This has helped create a very wholesome and nurturing learning environment for her and her peers.

Certificate of Excellence – Kindness

K1B - Yu Yin Chun

Chun Chun is a cheerful and kind-hearted individual who has become very comfortable with all his classmates and teachers at school. He makes an effort to play with everyone and loves to flatter everyone with his sweet compliments. He enjoys participating in class activities, especially when music and movement is involved.

Certificate of Excellence – Bravery

K1B - Au Tsz Ying

Athena is a cheerful and creative individual who enjoys taking the time to make her work look beautiful. She appraoches new experiences with a smile on her face and isn't afraid to step out of her comfort zone. Her curiousity in new things encourages her to be an active participant in class activities.

Certificate of Excellence – Joy

K2A - Law Chak Ming

Logan may seem quiet at first but he has a great sense of humour and he's grown in confidence since he joined our class in the second term. He's quick to smile and loves to play with his friends, so you can usually find him at the center of the fun. He works especially well in groups and has been more and more willing to share his thoughts and experiences with the group as the term has gone on. Great work Logan!

Certificate of Excellence – Teamwork

K2B - Lo Chun Hei

Rex is an active student who does not hestiate to share his ideas with his teachers and classmates. He loves to engage in conversations and class discussions sharing about his personal experiences or talking about his favourite book during "Show and Tell'. He often provides guidance to his classmates and assists them when carrying out class activities.

Certificate of Excellence – Participation

K2B - So Ching Huen

Sofia's speaking confidence has increased immensely this term and this allows her to express her feelings and ideas clearly to her classmates and teachers. She shows great euthauasism to participate in all class activites and is always trying her best to ensure that each task is completed. Keep it up Sofia!

Certificate of Excellence – Kindness

K3A - Yiu Pak Yin

Pazu has been a beacon of kindness since the beginning of the year. He is not only courteous towards his peers and teachers, but also to the school's staff as well. He shows his kind and empathetic nature by giving hugs and encourages his classmates to be gentle towards each other. Not only that, he is always ready to help others without being asked! Pazu, you definitely deserve this award!

Certificate of Excellence – Respect

K3A - Chan Yi Sun

Annabella shows her love by being respectful towards others. She treats others with utter respect by listening to them well and using her gentleness to speak with others. She also helps her classmates without the need to be asked. She knows how to wait for her turn and she is able to follow the class rules well. It has been wonderful to watch her grow! Congrats Annabella!

Certificate of Excellence – Bravery

K3B - Rong Yuwei

Ally has overcome so much this year. She had so many doubts at the beginning of this year, but through perseverance and courage she has become a leader in our classroom. Her confidence is now sky-high, and she takes pride in her work. She also has become a regualr helper to those around her, and makes strives everyday to be the best! We are so proud of what you've become. Great work, Ally, and thank you for your courage!

Certificate of Excellence – Creativity

K3B - Yeung Felix

Felix has the mind of a genuine artist. He loves sharing his new songs he learns on his violin, inspiring his friends to also pursue learning new songs on their own. He dazzles us with his wonderful drawings and his creations with our building manipulatives such as our Legos or Magnet blocks. Our classroom is a place of inspiration thanks to him. We can't wait to see your next creation or hear your next violin opus! Thank you so much Felix for your artistic touch.

Certificate of Excellence – Cheerfulness

PNA pm - Chan Tsz Yuen

Tsz Yuen is a very active boy in class. He always finds the funny sides in everything he sees and this makes him such a joy to be around at school. He is also very curious about everything at school and really enjoys the playtime with his friends. Way to go, Tsz Yuen!

Certificate of Excellence – Teamwork

K1A pm - Huang Siqi

Ciky has improved so much over the past school year. Although she was quite shy at first, Ciky has grown into a very confident and happy student who enjoys working with all her classmates. She is incredibly cheerful and loves to make her friends laugh and have fun with them during any lesson activity. She will always have her hand up to try new things and will happily cheer her friends on when it's not her turn. We are all very pleased to have her in our class. Well done!

Certificate of Excellence – Kindness

K2A pm - Yip Tsz Chun

Jason is a quiet student with a very positive attitude and a great approach to learning. He clearly enjoys working in a group setting where he can co-operate with his fellow students and practice his speaking, which has improved a lot this year. He is very well-liked by the class and is always willing to contribute to class activities with his happy and kind energy. Great job Jason!

Certificate of Excellence – Leadership

K2A pm - Chu Lok Yin

Fiona is a very happy child who brings her bubbly personality and positive energy to every lesson. She is well-liked by her peers, who enjoy playing with her and often look to her for help during group activities. She is very confident and always willing to share her thoughts with the class, using her excellent speaking ability and impressive vocabulary to share her stories and encourage her friends to do the same. Excellent work Fiona!

Certificate of Excellence – Contribution

K3A pm - Ngan Tsz Yi

Yumi has been consistent since day one. She has always been active in classroom activities and discussions. She thrives in sharing her opinions and her knowledge to her friends and teachers. She is always asking questions relevant to the topics being discussed. It's been very inspiring to see her take interest in her own learning. Well done Yumi!


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International Kindergarten

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