The PN students are on their final week of learning about transportation. They got to explore all the transport that they can see in their own home, Hong Kong. The children shared their experiences with their classmates and teachers of them riding the Tram, MTR Train, the Peak Tram, Mini Buses and the Star Ferry. For English, Pippa and Pop helped them distinguish which transport is fast and which ones are slow. The young learners also practiced recognizing the vocabulary they learnt for the week through action songs. They danced along to the beat and acted out phrases of “driving the car, riding the bike, walking and running.” For Math, they worked really hard trying to understand the concept of patterns. With the help of their teachers, they played the game “what comes next?”. Their teacher placed different objects on the floor and they needed to choose which object would complete the pattern. The letter Y was their letter friend for the week as their learnt words such as Yellow, Yoyo and Yoga. There were lots of happy faces and laughter from the children as they continue to participate in many fun learning activities at school.
It may be a short week but we’ve been busy doing lots of new and fun things. We continued our ‘Plants and Insects’ theme this week by planting garlic bulbs together! It was a lovely way for us to recap what plants need; we will give our garlic bulbs some water, sunshine and lots of love over the next few weeks and keep you posted on how well they grow. We also started learning about different insects and enjoyed looking at their colours and counting their body parts. This tied well into Cambridge this week as we used numbers to revise food items through counting and colouring according to a number key. In Math, we experimented how to make orange and the students loved watching this happen by mixing red and yellow. We hope everyone enjoys their long weekand and we look forward to another eventful week.
This week our K2 students are learning about bugs and insects. Our lessons involved a very exciting trip outside the classroom to explore the area surrounding the school to look for different bugs and see them living in their natural environment. The students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to take their learning experience out into the real world, and were so excited to apply their knowledge into the actual environment of the insects. We were careful not to touch and disturb any insects, so it was also a good opportunity for the students to practice their observation skills, and they had so much fun trying to find the small creatures amongst the soil and the plants.
During Maths, we’ve started counting in 2s which is a great chance to see how the students have grasped the concept of counting both forwards and backwards, and we’re also continuing our practice of subtraction up to 5.
Hello friends! After learning about insects last week, this week our curious friends dug a little bit deeper into their major role as pollinators! They got to experience being the insects and how pollination really works first hand! For the pollination experiment, they used different colored chalks as the pollens and the pipe cleaners for the insect legs and they went to different flowers and saw how the transfer works! This experiment sure did bring spark to our students' interest!
Then for Math, we went further ahead to learn more different portions that could make up a whole. Our students had fun manipulating fractions with our interactive fraction circles and on hand-fraction bars! Then for Subtraction, our students pushed their borrowing skills from 20 to 50! It was a challenge and it was grand to see our friends persevere!
Last but not the least, for our Spring theme Physical Play, we learned and practice Bunny hops and the egg laying sumo squats skills. Our students are getting stronger in their endurance when it comes to these strengthening activities!
And that’s a wrap for this week! We hope that everyone has a great long weekend! Tune in next week for another adventure with our awesome K3 friends! See you all!
主題: 「幫助我們的人」─廚師
(1) 認識廚師的工作
(2) 體會制作食物的樂趣
(3) 認識「田」的字形和字義
1) 認識冷和熱的感覺。
2) 懂得配合天氣選擇合適的衣服。
3) 享受當客人和售貨員的過程。
1. 認識清潔工的制服和工具,工作內容及工作地點
2. 認識反光物品及其用途
3. 認識垃圾的處理過程
(1) 分辨需要和想要
(2) 認識逛商店時的規則/禮貌
(3) 培養理財的態度
普通話兒歌 PN