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Highlights of the Week (22/23 Term 2 Week 19)


It was a phenomenal week having our grandparents and fathers come in for some special activities on Grandparent’s and Father’s Day. We had a series of fun games and made crafts together.

For English we reviewed letters A to E where we had fun hopping through the alphabet board. Students chose to say either the name of the letter or a word that begins with that letter. For Math we reviewed shapes and played a mini game by making different shapes out of bubble wrap and popping them to enhance our fine motor skills. For the theme of the week, we learnt all about insects. We enjoyed counting butterflies in different colours and sizes. Amazing work PN friends!


It’s been a really special week as we welcomed our grandparents and our daddies into our classrooms for lots of great activities. We showed our grandparents how much we love them by making beautiful photo frames and decorating them together. We also played lots of games with them and enjoyed getting to know each other’s grandparents. After Grandparent’s Day, our K1 students worked really hard to surprise our daddies with a ‘super’ craft to show them just how amazing they are. They practiced their drawing and fine motor skills by putting together lots of different pieces to make their own superhero dad. This tied into our Cambridge revision unit of parts of our body. We loved celebrating Father’s day with our Dads on Friday and we hope this weekend is really special for everyone. Happy Father’s Day to all of our wonderful Fathers and Grandfathers!


This week has been so exciting! We continued our lesson on body parts in English lesson and learned to answer the question “Can you..”. “Can you stand on one leg? Can you touch your toes?” We learned to answer these questions as well and a lot of us said ‘Yes, I can’ to these challenges.

It’s Father’s Day at the end of the week and so K2 was busy creating things especially for dad. In Critical Thinking we made a Father’s Day letter in a form of a wallet and some money. We wrote little notes on different coloured paper and put them inside a paper wallet we made together with our teachers. Then we designed energy drinks for the dads to drink after our Physical Games! What a fantastic week!


It’s been another week in ABC! For week 19, our K3 students were busy preparing for Grandparents Day and Father’s Day! We took turns to talk about how special our daddies are and what we do with them on holidays! We read a funny story about little Edward switching positions with his dad. We made an acrostic poem to describe our dads and decorated it as a Father’s Day card.

In our English lessons, we continued to learn how to express ourselves in past tense. We now know how to ask and answer questions in past tense! We also learned that we don’t have to change the action word into past tense after using ‘did’. Did our K3 students do a fantastic job? Yes, they sure did!

What a busy but awesome week! We had a great time and we can’t wait to see you in the next one!


主題: 「幫助我們的人」─消防員




學習目的: (1) 認識消防員的工作

(2) 學習救火的程序

(3) 認識各種救火設施



本週展開新主題「夏天到」。老師透過出示不同夏天景象的圖片及影片,例如颱風或暴雨情境的片段,幼兒認識到夏天的天氣特徵─天氣炎熱、颱風及雨量偏多,認讀了不同天氣的警告圖示,並討論不同天氣帶來的影響及預防措施。我們亦從配對遊戲中,認識夏天服飾的特性,懂得分辨在不同天氣情況下選取合適的衣服。 最後,透過故事小劇場,幼兒模擬日常清潔步驟,因此知道夏天天氣炎熱,較容易流汗,我們更要常常保持身體清潔,注意衛生及儀容。






主題----「夏天」 這週我們開展了一個新的主題「夏天」。本週中,老師利用不同的短片讓小朋友認識到不同的警告信號與相關景象,例如黃色暴雨警告信號和八號烈風 或暴風信號等。小朋友們接二連三的分享當面對不同天氣該如何應對和使用到的物品。從而,培養他們建立在惡劣天氣下保護自己的意識。 其次,本週學習了新的部首「土」字部。小朋友積極地嘗試在不同詞語中圈和指出屬於土字部首的字。另外,通過趣味的小遊戲令小朋友們重溫量詞的運用。最後,他們還學習了一個新的成語故事「城門失火」。 學習目的:

1. 能說出在惡劣天氣下的應變措施

2. 能選取適當的量詞並填在句子上

3. 認識成語「城門失火」的字義和讀音








(2) 認識不同的田徑運動

(3) 認識各種運動需要的場地及各類運動用品的用途

(4) 感受做運動的樂趣

普通話兒歌 PN





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