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Highlights of the Week (22/23 Term 2 Week 8)


Hello everyone! It’s hard to believe that Easter is just around the corner! We were all having fun while we were learning about Easter this week. We enjoyed being the Easter bunnies and hopped around the classroom to find the Easter eggs. We were really happy to find so many colourful Easter eggs in the bushes! We also made a beautiful Easter Egg craft together with our friends and we are about to show it to our loved ones! For English, we revised the letter Q to letter T. We were asked to find all the hidden pictures in the classroom and match them to the correct beginning letters. What an interesting revision game! For Maths, we did the revision of number 1 to number 8. We really enjoyed singing the new “Easter Eggs number song” with our friends as we were all holding the Easter chocolate eggs while singing it! This was absolutely a fantastic week for all of us! Let’s celebrate Easter together with our family and we wish everyone a joyful and wonderful Easter holiday!


It’s been an ‘egg-citing’ week full of activities leading up to the Easter holidays. In Cambridge, we started our unit “All Aboard”, where we focused on the verbs related to the different modes of transport. It was great to see everyone using short phrases such as “driving a car”, “riding a scooter” and “sailing a boat”. In Critical Thinking this week, we briefly spoke about the sweet and colourful treats we can find during Easter and we really enjoyed taking part in Easter egg hunts with our classmates during our Easter party. We also got creative by decorating our own paper Easter eggs using interesting materials such as marbles, pom-poms and dot markers. We hope everyone has a wonderful Easter holiday and can’t wait to hear about everyone’s break when we are back.


For Critical Thinking this week, we are letting our students experience a plane journey so they were asked to first fill in their personal details on their ABC Pathways “boarding pass”. Students voted on their favourite destination and designed their own time and boarding gate, and they were ready to board their plane and embarked on their plane journey!

As students were allocated to their assigned seats, the flight attendant came to greet them as well as ensuring that the students’ seatbelts were fastened. Then students experienced the plane taking off as they watched a virtual plane flying off on the TV. Next the students were served with some light refreshments and drinks as they enjoyed their plane journey. Finally, they watched the flight landing in their destination! Everyone loved this flight experience and couldn’t wait to go for their real flight journey one day!

For Math this week, we did revision on neighbouring numbers 1 to 100 and it was wonderful to see students working hard to complete those missing numbers during small group time!


Welcome back again friends! Hope that everyone had an amazing weekend! This week for Critical Thinking, we continued to explore the topic on space shuttles with the Balloon Rocket experiment! The students had fun testing the theory of which balloon would make the rocket go faster. Not only that, we also explored more on how astronauts are in space.

Then for Math, the students once again reviewed the identification of their banknotes and coins. This time, we learned how to combine our notes and coins together to make an exact amount. It was quite a challenge but with perseverance, our students began to understand that there are many ways to manipulate the coins and their bills.

And for our Physical Play this week, since it’s the last week before the Easter break, our students commemorated the event with the legendary Easter egg hunt! Our students also mastered how to play Space Tag and the Weightless Race, as these games were a fan-favorite! With these games, our students develop their locomotor and non-locomotor skills, agility, cardiovascular resistance, cooperation and fair play.

It has been a momentous week for our dear friends! We hope everybody has a wonderful Easter Holiday! We can’t wait to see you all again here at ABC!



學習目的: (1) 認識復活節常見的食物及其名稱

(2) 認識尋彩蛋的樂趣

(3) 認識「蛋」的字形和字義







1. 認識豆類的制成品。

2. 鼓勵兒童嘗試不同的食物,並養成不偏食的習慣。


主題----「小小科學家/復活節」 今週為主題「小小科學家」的最後一週。這週仍通過不同的實驗,讓小朋友主動發掘和探索浮沉的概念。包括進行了自製小船、碟子上畫畫和雞蛋加入鹽等實驗。期間,小朋友們都十分地投入和享受去進行各種測試。這些活動亦有效地激發了他們的求知慾和好奇心。其次,他們也很主動去分享自己的發現,例如雞蛋殼包裝接觸了水就容易破損。過程中促進他們去思考物品浮或沉的原理和觀察實驗變化。 另外,小朋友即將迎接復活節的到來。老師也透過故事讓他們了解到復活節的由來和民間風俗。最後,這週的成語故事是「瞎子摸象」。教導幼兒接觸不同的人、事或物要了解得足夠全面。 學習目的:

1. 能運用不同物料去設計出自己的小船

2. 培養他們享受做實驗的樂趣

3. 能說出實驗後的發現和結果






(1) 知道噪音會損害聽覺

(2) 了解保護聽覺的方法

(3) 了解放大鏡和望遠鏡的功能

普通話兒歌 PN





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