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Highlights of the Week (23/24 Term 1 Week 3)


It seems like the PN students are having a wonderful second week at school! It's great to hear that they are settling into their new environment and becoming more independent each day. It's lovely to see how happy they are when they arrive at school. Everyone is watching them learn to become independent by being able to change into their indoor shoes with some help from their teachers. They showed so much excitement as they were introduced to their new English book that they would work with for the entire school year, and that the Pippa and Pop characters are going to make the lessons fun and interactive. We are excited to see what’s in store for them next week.


It’s been an absolute joy seeing all of our K1s settle into their classroom routines so well. We practiced our daily routine of taking attendance, greeting one another and going through the date and weather; it was lovely to see some students feeling confident and independent. As part of our Critical Thinking theme of ‘Getting to know each other’, we got to know each other’s names better this week by playing games with our pictures, as well as challenging the students to see if they could recognize their name in print. We also practiced our fine motor skills and primary colours by finger painting our names, which we all loved! In Phonics this week, we continued to recap our letters D and E through games as well as tracing. In math this week, our activities centered around the number ‘1’ and the shape ‘circle’. Our week concluded with a wonderfully colourful birthday party where we got to learn about each other’s favourite colours. We look forward to continuing our learning journey next week


During the second week of school, K2 embarked on an exciting adventure as a part of the Critical Thinking lessons where together we explored our way through the school, discovering the different areas and caring individuals at our Kindergarten. We were rather delighted to have discovered “The Tricycle “in our school playground which soon became very popular during our daily Physical Play time.

As we are now more familiar with our classmates and daily school activities, we engaged in discussions sharing with our classmates the activities we enjoyed the most at school during our Cambridge lesson.

Math’s lessons this week had us learning the concept of “Thick and Thin” where we found many thick books that looked rather interesting, as a result of this we started to work really hard on mastering our sounds during phonics lessons so that we would not only be able to listen to stories but also utilize our sounds to blend new words.


Hello again, everyone! We hope everyone has been able to keep dry this week! We had another wonderful week here at ABC. For our Critical Thinking this week, we took time to focus on rules of our classrooms, as well as all the different rules around our school. Challenge your child to see if they can tell you one of the rules they learned this week. In our Math lesson we continued to discuss shapes with the introduction of 3-D shapes such as sphere, cylinder, pyramid, cube, and cone. And lastly, during our Physical Play time we learned new stretches and exercises to strengthen our bodies Also, next week we will be celebrating World Clean Up Week! We would like to encourage our students and families to take part in cleaning and keeping our environment safe! We would like to see how you all decide to help your communities, and we cannot wait to see all the pictures and videos you all create. Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all on Monday!







1. 知道每個人都有自己的家

2. 嘗試介紹自的家庭成員

3. 讓幼兒知道家庭成員是有自己不同的職責





1) 能說出學校的名稱及所屬班別

2) 學習適應新環境

3) 增強自理能力





學習目的: 1) 學習理解及接受朋友的感受

2) 鼓勵與朋友們互相幫忙、合作、分享和遊戲

3) 認識校內不同的工作人員及其工作內容

4) 學習如何禮貌地與他人打招呼,交朋友的方法





學習目的: 1) 認識社區設施的用途

2) 能說出學校/家附近的社區設施

3) 培養愛護公物的態度

普通話兒歌 PN





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International Kindergarten

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