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Highlights of the Week (23/24 Term 1 Week 7)


Another fantastic week for everyone at ABC this week! The PN children have been absolutely engaged with each other and our activities at school! Our theme this week is all about Family and we talked about what family is, along with some lovely songs. We also made our own family craft and had a great time colouring the family members, as well as sticking them on a beautiful house. In addition, we learned about the letter C and its relevant words such as Cat, Car, Cow and Carrot; we were thrilled to look for these objects around the classroom. For Maths, we were introduced to a shape friend called Circle. We all love Circle because many of the delicious food is circle-shaped, like donuts, cookies and cakes! Mmm…yummy! We also got a chance to work on our fine motor skills by using play dough to make balls that resemble the circle shape with our classmates. We can’t wait to continue our learning journey next week!


Greetings, everyone! I'm excited to share the wonderful highlights from our incredible week at school. For Cambridge, we reviewed the Animal vocabulary and read a story called "Stubborn Goats." The story captivated our K1 students, teaching them valuable lessons about the significance of caring for one another and the importance of being considerate. For Phonics, we focused on letters M, N and O. To stimulate Critical Thinking skills, we joyfully sang "Old McDonald Had a Farm." We also learned what farm animals do and talked about their features. To reinforce their understanding, we engaged in an exciting sorting game, challenging the students to categorize animals based on the number of legs they possess. For Math, we reviewed our shapes and colours and we played a number recognition game.

That’s it for this week! We look forward to next week for another enriching educational experience.


Hi there! This week in K2 we’re learning more about the house. We learned about the different furniture inside each room. We also learned that some furniture is placed in particular rooms and no where else. For example, the bed can only go in the bedroom and not in the bathroom while the shower is put in the bathroom and not the living room. We practiced using three prepositional words in our English lesson - in, on and under. We brought what we learned in the classroom in the play area where we threw bean bags around the play area according to the instructions given like “throw the bean bag under the playhouse” or “throw the bean bag in the basket”.

In Math lesson, K2 students recalled numbers 1-10 through numerous games. The first game is putting the numbers in order on the board while doing it with no noise. It was a very tense game since we had to do it as quick as we can quietly without any help. Then, we played a counting game where we counted objects in the box and match them to the correct number. It was a great week of learning this week!


Hope everyone was safe and sound during the weekend when Typhoon Koinu hit us with a typhoon signal no.9! In this week, our K3 students came back to ABC to learn all about Cows in our Critical Thinking class. We got to talk about cows are girls and boy oxen are called bulls. We can tell them apart by checking if the ox has the udder – the part where we can squeeze milk out near the cow’s tummy!

For Math, the K3 students conducted a survey on the most popular place in K3A. We first asked the whole class to vote on their favourite places to go to with a tally chart, then, we made use of the information from the tally chart to draw a bar graph on the board! Disneyland won by a landslide!

For Cambridge, the K3 students got to learn about animals in a zoo! It’s one of our favourite topics to discuss! Everyone got very excited and we talked about where the animals live in the wild. We call it their habitats. Some of them live in zoos so that we can learn about these amazing animals!

That’s it for this week! We can’t wait to see you all again in the next one! Have an awesome weekend!







1. 認識學校的環境和人物

2. 學習兒歌「有禮好寶寶」

3. 認讀「手」及其字意


主題:「我的家」─ 我的家庭成員




學習目標: 1) 認識家庭成員的稱謂

2) 懂得運用不同的禮貌用語

3) 加強口語訓練






1) 認識處置舊玩具的方法

2) 培養輪流玩、等待的態度

3) 認識獨體字的字形結構





1. 認識不同動物的進食習性

2. 辨別草食性和肉食性的動物

3. 探索動物與人類的關係


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