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Highlights of the Week (24/25 Term 1 Week 7)


Hello everyone! Welcome to Week 7! Our PN friends had an exciting adventure diving into the letter D this week! Our classroom buzzed with laughter as we explored wonderful words like duck, dog, dinosaur, door, and daddy. We had a blast walking like dinosaurs and waddling like ducks with our friends in the class! For Math, we met a new shape friend - triangle! We enjoyed finding the different triangles around the classroom and playing with a fun sorting game which we needed to separate circles and triangles. Then, we wrapped up our week by chatting about our families—brothers, sisters, and all the special moments we shared. It was a week filled with learning, laughter, and fun! We can’t wait to see what we will discover next!


Welcome to Week 7 of our exciting learning journey at ABC! After a refreshing long weekend, our students returned to school buzzing with energy and eager to share their weekend adventures.

In Cambridge, we started a new topic: "My Body." The students learned essential vocabulary, including fingers, head, neck, shoulders, and toes. We also practiced sentence structures like “He’s got …,” “She’s got …,” and “It’s got …”

In Math, we reviewed the shapes and colours we've learned over the past few weeks. For Critical Thinking, we had fun role-playing Goldilocks and the Three Bears, with students acting as the bears. To top it off, we made bear sandwiches, and the kids thoroughly enjoyed munching on their tasty creations!

That’s a wrap for this week! See you next time!


Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! In week 7, our K2 students continued to talk about fairytales, we did a roleplay on the story “The Three Billy Goats Gruff”. The students took turns to portray the three Billy goats and the troll in the story and made the story come alive! We all had so much fun and everyone did such a fantastic job! The students also attempted to build a bridge using materials we found in the classroom, just like the one in the story. It was an awesome sight to see the students get their creative juices flowing and work in teams to make something work!

In Cambridge lessons, we started a new unit on what we can see on a farm. We talked about farm animals and what we do to take care of them. It turned out our K2 kids love farm animals and everyone wants to help out on a farm!

In Math lessons, we continued to talk about ordering numbers from 1 to 10. We also learned how to count and see how many objects there are. We once again took turns to come out to the smartboard to play games and we also did some revision exercise at the desks. We all counted backwards together as if the rocket was about to launch into the sky!

We also visited Brighter Smiles Playland on Tuesday, where the K2 students from both campuses joined together for a fun adventure about how we can take care of our teeth properly by cleaning them every day and night 😊

That’s all for this week, we’ll see you in the next one!


Welcome to another fantastic week of learning in our K3 class. We started a new topic in our Cambridge lesson and it’s all about the things we see around our place of living. As a class we looked at each word and used all the sounds we’ve learned to try and read the new vocabulary. We then played a matching game with our partners to see who can match the pictures with the correct word.

In Math lesson, we continued with our topic on Tally Marks and merged it with the topic of Bar Charts. Both math concepts help us count objects and provide a visual account of the things we tallied.

We continued our lesson on Cows during our Critical Thinking lesson by recalling our discussion on the resources that the cows provide for us. We focused our lesson this week on one thing but can be used in many ways - milk. Milk is the source of many things people consume nowadays; there’s cheese, yoghurt, butter and many more. This week we made butter by pouring in heavy milk into a glass jar. We sat around, played a song and took turns shaking the jar for around 20-30 minutes. Voilá! Butter is made. After making the butter and chilling in the fridge for a few minutes, it was time to taste it. We spread the butter on some bread and happily ate it together as a class.










1. 認識學校的環境和人物

2. 學習兒歌「有禮好寶寶」

3. 認讀「手」及其字意


主題:「我的家」─ 我的家庭成員







學習目標: 1) 認識家庭成員的稱謂

2) 懂得運用不同的禮貌用語 3) 加強口語訓練







1) 認識處置舊玩具的方法

2) 培養輪流玩、等待的態度

3) 認識獨體字的字形結構







1.   認識不同動物的進食習性

2.   認識家禽和家畜的名稱、外形特徵 3. 探索動物與人類的關係.

普通話兒歌 PN


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