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Highlights of the Week (24/25 Term 2 Week 2)


Hey everyone! We are back with another PN adventure, fresh from our Chinese New Year holidays—starting strong with everyone's favorite subject, the alphabet!

This week, we continued with the letter M and had fun pretending to be silly monkeys and monsters, drinking milk on the moon. We also learned about a new cool shape: the oval! At first, it was a bit tricky to see how it’s different from a circle, but now we've become pros at spotting the difference!

In addition, we explored this week's theme: healthy food and habits! We learned a super fun song about staying clean and getting ready in the morning—including how to brush our teeth properly!

It has been such a fun week back at school, and we can’t wait to see what the rest of the second term has in store. Until next time!


Hello everyone! Welcome back to our ABC blog! We hope you all had a wonderful Chinese New Year holiday.

The students were thrilled to return to school after a two-week break and were excited to share how they celebrated with family and friends.

This week in Cambridge, we began a new book called Super Minds Starters, focusing on Unit 1, “At the Zoo.” We introduced animal vocabulary, and the students eagerly discussed their favourite animals. We also practiced phrases like “It’s a (big) lion” and “It’s a (small) bird.”

In Math, we explored concepts such as high vs. low, shapes (semi-circles), and counting to 11.

For Critical Thinking, we focused on character awareness by discussing kindness and respect. We asked, “What does it mean to be kind, and how can we show respect?”

That wraps up our activities for this week! We look forward to seeing you next week.


Welcome back to school! This week marks the start of our second term, and it’s amazing to see how everyone has grown—both taller and more mature!

In K2, we introduced the value of honesty. We read the story The Boy Who Cried Wolf and discussed whether it is right to trick others with lies. The students agreed that although small, funny jokes can be harmless when they hurt others' feelings or affect their lives, they are no longer funny. We also discussed how it is always better, to tell the truth rather than hide it and let others find out later.

For Math, the K2 students have continued to learn about combinations. This time, we practiced doing combinations of 9-10 with our favourite characters. We also continued to count from 1-50, during which the students enjoyed participating by going up to the smartboard to find one number and colour it.

In our Cambridge lessons, we started an exciting new book called "Super Minds 1." We were introduced to the four main characters: Thunder, Whisper, Flash, and Misty. We read a story and discovered that each of these super kids has a unique superpower!

That’s it for this week! Stay healthy and stay warm, everyone! See you next week!


Happy Chinese New Year! We hope everyone had a great holiday and it's been a great start to their new year. It’s a brand-new term for us in K3! There are so many new things we started on this week.

First, we started a new book in our Cambridge lesson where were introduced to the new characters called the Explorers, who will walk side by side with us throughout our adventurous learning in this book. We also learned to talk and write about the things we are good at and the things we are not so good at.

We dived into the topic of weight comparison in our math lesson by guessing who could be the heaviest boy or girl in our class. We also shared some hypotheses as to why we think a particular student could be heavier than the other. Then, we used the weighing scales and things around the classroom to compare their weights. To end the lesson, our class teacher revealed the names of the heaviest boy and girl by checking our student handbooks. It was a great mystery solved!

During the Critical Thinking lesson, we learned a difficult word, Empathy. Empathy involves emotionally understanding someone else’s feelings by putting ourselves into their situations.  As a class, we committed to performing acts of kindness to prevent hurting others and minimize the need for empathy regarding any wrong actions we might take in the future.  

This was a great first week of learning in the New Year. Hope to see you again in the next one, bye!


主題: 「衣服/我的身體」─保護身體




學習目的 :

1. 認識身體上各器官及肢體的名稱

2. 認識眼、耳、口的名稱及位置

3. 認識眼、耳、口的功能及保護方法






1. 認識不同的農場動物

2. 辨認羊和豬的特徵和生活習性。

3. 區分動物園和農場動物


主題----「 植物與小昆蟲」

     今週開展新的主題「植物與小昆蟲」。老師播放天氣的影片才引起小朋友對香港天氣的興趣,讓幼兒認識香港春天的天氣,例如會有微雨、多霧和潮濕等等,延伸出植物喜歡春天,因為和暖天氣容易令種子發芽。之後認識植物生長所需元素包括: 包括陽光、空氣及水份,並請小朋友體驗種植,學習種植的步驟和如何照顧植物,小朋友都樂在其中。



1)  認識植物生長所需元素

2) 學習種植的步驟

3) 培養勤奮工作的態度







1. 認識一年有四季及其分別

2. 聆聽大自然的聲音

3. 認識種植、根、果實、莖、花瓣的讀音及字義


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