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Highlights of the Week (24/25 Term 2 Week 5)


Hello friends! Welcome to week 5! Our PN children had another joyful week at school! Our theme for the week was all about pets, with a special focus on cats. We learned how to take care of cats, including feeding them, grooming them, and playing with them. For English, we introduced the letter O, and it was a big hit! The children learned words like octopus, otter, and orange. We had a blast pretending to swim like an octopus and otter in the classroom, wiggling our arms and laughing as we moved around. We also practiced writing the letter O in the air, which made us become more familiar with its shape and sound. By the end of the week, we were confidently identifying the letter O and words that start with it! One of the highlights of the week was learning the concept of same and different. We played a game called the Guessing Game. We used a mystery box with one object hidden inside and we had to take turns feeling the object inside the box. We then guessed whether the object was the same or different from another object shown to us. Such a FUN game we had! It was another fantastic week in ABC, filled with laughter and learning. We can’t wait to see what next week has in store! Have a wonderful weekend!


We begin our new month of March with so much excitement as we are starting some new things this month.  In Phonics, we are learning our last couple of sounds and recapping the previous ones this week before we start blending next week! In Cambridge, we revisited our vocabulary by trying the food we learned about last week; we loved trying some tomatoes, oranges, cakes and pears. It was such an exciting way to practice using our sentence structure of “I like/don’t like…” while learning about our classmates likes and dislikes. For Critical Thinking, we started our month-long topic of Space by looking closely at our home, Planet Earth. Everyone designed their own planet Earth by scrunching up bits of green and blue paper and gluing it together to make water and land; the scrunching was a wonderful way for us to practice our fine motor skills. In Math we challenged ourselves and turned our ABAB patterns into ABCABC patterns by adding one more object. We look forward to more fun next week!


In K2 this week, we continued to introduce our Cambridge curriculum with new adventures of our four exciting super friends who will accompany us throughout the second term. Additionally, we also continued to explore and revise vocabulary based on objects we use in school.

For Math, we are now very familiar with addition up to 5 and are excited to add bigger numbers up to 10. We are currently in the process of learning to count and identify numbers ranging to 70, and by this week we have successfully covered numbers up to 100!

In Critical Thinking, we began our journey through our Space theme and started talking about our dear planet Earth. We used the internet to have a big over view of what the Earth looks from a distance and used adjectives like colours to describe our planet and what we see here. The Earth is truly fascinating!


Hello mommies and daddies! We had such a fun week here at ABC! The field trip was a such a fun time. Even though it rained on us a little bit, we still had a chance to talk about treating our environment well, learning about different animals and where they live, and got to see some animals…including the pandas! Back at school this week, we got to begin one of our favourite topics, SPACE! We will be discussing Space and the things we might find there all month to prepare for our next project! In our Maths lessons, we continued to discuss Hong Kong money and how to identify the different types of notes we might use. We focused mainly on the notes this week and will begin discussing the different values of coins next week. In our Physical Play, we pushed our bodies to the limit testing our jumping skills with high jumping and long jumping. Be careful trying some at home! Have a great rest of your week and we will see you next time!

















1. 知道食物對身體的重要性。

2. 知道雞蛋和牛奶是有益的食物。


主題----「 植物與小昆蟲」




1)    認識益蟲和害蟲

2)    說出公園常見的標誌意思及事物

3)    能搭配名詞及動詞去創作句式







1.   認識昆蟲的身體結構

2.   認識昆蟲的成長形態

  1. 認識益蟲和害蟲

普通話兒歌 PN





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