Another fun week at ABC! PN students had plenty of activities this week. We learnt the words that start with letter I and made an igloo! We also reviewed the numbers 1-3and got introduced to the number 4. The theme of this week is about being healthy and keeping our bodies clean. Another exciting thing was meeting a real tortoise! The students were so curious and enjoyed spending time with their new animal friend. They got a chance to feed it some leaves.The children were also excited coming to school with their outer space / Science outfits for birthday party. This whole week was such a blast for everyone!
Another month has passed for our K1 students, and the fun continues as we explore brand new, interesting topics in all our English subjects! For Math, we are learning about ‘more and less’ and the number ‘7’. For Cambridge, our K1 children have been busy exploring different emotions: happy, sad, angry and scared. The students have been enhancing their drama skills acting out the different facial expressions. This goes hand in hand with the discussion of senses as we begin our theme of ‘Fun Science’ for Critical Thinking. Our K1 children have really familiarised themselves with different parts of the body and their functions. Our K1 students also had a blast meeting and feeding a friendly turtle (T for turtle!). Finally, let’s not forget our spectacular ‘Space/Science’ themed birthday party to end an such an eventful week!
Another month has passed for the K2 students and a lot of things has happened since. For Math, we continue to familiar ourselves with numbers from 1-20. We had exercises where we guess what comes before or after a certain number. For Critical Thinking, we are learning about our five senses. The students learnt the concept of “sight”, “touch”, “smell”, taste” and “hearing”. We experimented with the sense of “smell” where students must guess what is inside the cups by only using their noses. It was a fun activity, and it was interesting to see that the smells we know the most are the ones we are accustomed to every day.
The K3’s had a fun week discussing senses and making popcorn. We reviewed all 5 senses and talked about the words we use to describe things we eat, hear, taste, touch, and see.We used those words to describe popcorn before and after it pops. We listened to the popping sounds as well as smelled the air when the popcorn started cooking. We were also able to eat and enjoy the tasty treat. For math, this week, we have been learning to tell time to the hour and half hour and saw the difference between an analogue clock and a digital clock. We started learning and practicing basic subtraction this week. We used our senses during physical play to listen to music and see how different sounds make us feel. It was a fun and exciting week with some birthday fun to end the week.
主題:「我愛上學」- 上學真快樂!
(1) 嘗試分享和表達自己在學校裡最喜歡做的活動
(2) 學習與人分享每天如何上學去
(3) 重温單字「人」、「月」、「口」、「手」、「耳」
(1) 認識耳朵和嘴巴的位置及功用
(2) 認識不同食物的味道
(3) 學習培養保持個人衛生的好習慣
主題:「動物」 ─ 寵物
(1) 認識一般常見竉物的名稱及其外形特徵
(2) 認識竉物陸龜的生活習性
(3) 培養照顧寵物的責任感
(1) 明白每人也有不同的工作崗位
(2) 認識父母的職業
(3) 培養小朋友懂感恩的態度
普通話兒歌 K1