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Highlights of the Week


It’s been a new experience for the PN students this week learning English through Zoom Classes. The children decided to learn more about the animals that live underwater. They got to know many names such as dolphins, whales, seahorses, jellyfish etc. They enjoyed knowing how these animals swim in the sea, how they look like and what kind of food they eat through storytelling and music. For English, the PN students learnt about the letter E and the letter R. For the letter E, the children got to see how an egg looks when cracked open. They pretended to be elephants, using their arms as trunks. For Math, the children continued to work on recognizing numbers 1-5 by counting objects shown to them by their teacher. Despite the classes being on zoom, the children still had a wonderful time learning about their new animal friends.


Our first week on zoom has been great! We’re so proud of how hard all of our students and parents are working to make online learning effective and fun for us all. We’re wrapping our Cambridge unit on ‘My House’ this week by reviewing our vocabulary and reading a funny story about Mike that helps us practice our prepositions. We learned the sounds /e/ and /f/ this week through stories and Show and Tell activities of objects from our homes that start with these sounds. We reviewed firemen and doctors for Critical Thinking this week and particularly loved designing x-rays of our own arms! In Math we enjoyed learning the new concept of ‘fat’ and ‘thin’, the shape semi-circle and the colour white. Our favourite part about learning from home is being able to relate everything we are learning to objects from around our house; it’s been great being able to share so much with our friends through Show and Tell! We’re looking forward to more exciting activities next week.


This week has been our first week on zoom. It has been great to see how quickly we’ve all been able to adjust to the change! We started our Cambridge unit on Plants this week and we have been learning about how and what plants need to grow. It’s been very interesting to watch some time lapse videos of plants growing, seeing the roots spread out in the soil and the flowers blooming has been really cool! We have continued to learn about Community Helpers during Critical Thinking. This week we have been focusing on vets! We have learned about some of the tools they use and just how many animals they have to have knowledge on to help. We’re looking forward to next week as we learn more about plants and Chinese New Year!


Hello everyone! We’re back to Zoom lessons, but hopefully only for these next two weeks! The response from our students has been wonderful! Thank you to all the mommies, daddies, and helpers for helping our students succeed in our lessons, it is very much appreciated. We have had a great first week. For our critical thinking this week we discussed different types of jobs, and we had our students decide on what they would like to do when they grow up. We also discussed what they need to do to achieve this goal, and what they expect to do at those jobs. For our math this week we began to discuss how to measure length and how to properly use measuring tools that measure length, such as a ruler. Even though we are not at school, it is very important to still move those bodies! Make sure to have physical play and exercises to keep our bodies in motion. Stretching and strength building exercises we’ve learned throughout the year will help! Ask your child for different types of stretching or exercises we’ve done here at school to help with ideas! Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all soon!


主題:「春天」─ 百花盛放


學習目的 :

(1) 認識花有不同的顏色及形態

(2) 知道春天的天氣特徵

(3) 知道春天有很多花兒盛開和昆蟲繁衍

(4) 分辦「濕」和「乾」


主題:「房屋」─ 建房屋







主題: 「交通工具」─空中交通工具











(1) 認識不同國家的傳統服式

(2) 懂得尊重不同國家的衣服文化

(3) 享受表演的樂趣







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