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Highlights of the Week


Hello everyone! What a thrilling week for our learning. Our little learners learned that our ears are such an amazing part of our body where we had fun listening and guessing to animals and things that make sounds. For Maths, we spent a lot of time exploring the shape - triangle. Other than counting its sides, we learned that there are a lot of things that are in the shape of a triangle, especially foods like pizza and watermelon! Yummy! For English, we learned the Letter D by dancing along to a Letter D song and learning new words that start with this cool letter. Can't wait to see what our little ones will achieve next week!


Wohoo! It’s been a fabulous week. For Cambridge, we reviewed Family vocabulary and we all did a show and tell of our family photos. We also reviewed our classroom objects and everyone did a great job! For our letters, we learnt letter L and learnt new vocabulwry such as Lollipop, Light and Long. For letter M, we learnt Monkey, Mouse and Milk. For Math’s, we reviewed counting from 1-5! For Critical Thinking, we are currently learning about all the animals with 2 legs and 4 legs and the students are absolutely amazing at differentiating them!


We started the topic Farms in our Cambridge lessons. We each got to talk about an animal we were discussing in this unit like horses, hens and cows.

In our Phonics lessons, we recalled our sounds and practiced reading two-sound words. We challenged ourselves by reading three-sound words too. More practice for us and soon enough we will be awesome readers.

This week we also started counting from 11 to 20. Wow! That’s a lot of big numbers. We applied our counting skills in Physical Play and counted objects from the playground. What a great week!


Welcome to another week! This week, our K3 students learned all things about cows! They learned that all cows are girls and boy oxen are called bulls. We can tell them apart by checking if the ox has an udder – the part where we can squeeze milk out near the cow’s tummy!

For maths, they learned about symmetry and how we can make symmetrical patterns with origami and scissors. They also learned that the two sides of our faces are different, and we can call it asymmetry.

In our Cambridge lessons, the students were introduced to different kinds of animals and the concept of using likes and doesn’t like for third person singular grammar point.


今週展開新主題 -「我愛上學」。學校就像一個開心的大家庭,老師為了讓幼兒對學校增加歸屬感,更投入校園生活,特製了一段學校人物介紹影片,認識學校裏幫助我們的人,包括主任、老師、清潔姨姨等。



1. 認識學校裏的人物

2. 能說出學校的名稱及所屬班別

3. 學習與人分享的樂趣





1) 認識不同的家庭活動

2) 認識家中不同的地方

3) 懂得保持家居清潔






1. 認識集體遊戲和玩具

2. 學會遵守遊戲規則

3. 培養愛惜玩具的態度

4. 學會處置舊玩具的方法





1) 認識不同動物的進食習性

2) 能分辨雞、鴨、鵝相同及不同之處

3) 探索家禽和家畜動物對人類的貢獻

普通話兒歌 PN





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