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Highlights of the Week


The PN students had an amazing time this week! For English, they are reviewing the vocabulary of My Family by identifying the different members using I Spy pictures. The Letter F was introduced this week and they learnt words like Fire, Fox,Fish, and Flower. They had fun sharing different pictures amongst themselves that start with the Letter F. For Math, they are learning a new concept about Long and Short where they listened and danced to a song by stretching their arms when it is long and bringing their hands close together when it is short. As Halloween is drawing near, they made a black cat which has a stretchy body. We can’t wait for our Halloween Party next week!


As Halloween is finally approaching, for Critical Thinking, we introduced Halloween vocabulary such as Jack O’ Lantern and Trick or Treat. We even had a virtual tour to visit the pumpkin patch. We also talked about what our students are going to dress up as on Halloween. It was wonderful to see how involved our K1 students were in their discussions. In Cambridge, we started the topic of My Face and talked about different parts of their face such as eyes, nose, chin and cheeks. We got our students to put all the parts of the face in the right place on a blank face in order for them to understand the concept better.This week, we learnt all about letter P and Q and for Mathematics, we practiced our counting to 6 and learnt how to sort the same objects in a group together. It’s been a fun week and we really look forward to our Spooky Halloween party at school.


This week we ended our Farm topic by playing a matching game in the playground. The students made animal sounds to help find their matching baby animals. As a challenge, the students closed their eyes and only listened for the sounds. It was a good closure to our topic. With that, a brand-new topic began as well. This week we are talking about meals. We learned about the three important meals we have every day, breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In Critical Thinking we continued our topic in farms and talked about things we see in the farm besides the animals. We learned that there are fruits and vegetables as well. Ask your child, what scares the birds away so that they won’t eat the fruits and vegetables in the farm.

We learned about the importance of scarecrows in farms. To emphasize this, the students made a scarecrow craft to take home. See you next time for another K2 update.


Hello everyone! Welcome to week 9! In this week, our K3 students learned about Autumn! We looked at leaves and talked about why they turn colours and fall from trees. We found out that leaves that are brown or yellow tend to be dryer than fresh green ones. They are crunchy and easier to break!

For Math, we did a revision on 3D shapes, addition and symmetry. We did it through a game called Feed the Shark! Students got to choose what to feed the shark and had to answer the questions in order to do that. They had so much fun!

In our English lessons, we learned how to ask and answer questions using “has… got…?” We found out that no one in our class has got glasses! But Miss So has got a pair of them. Looking forward to another amazing week at school!




語文技巧方面,老師播放不同的動物叫聲引導幼兒認識耳朵最主要的功用- 聆聽聲音,從而帶出「耳」字的字義。老師還準備了不同物料的「耳」字讓幼兒觸摸,刺激幼兒的感官,加強認識。


1. 強化幼兒的自理能力

2. 享受製作美勞作品 - 「我的學校」 3. 初步認識「耳」及其結構









主題: 「動物」-農場裏的動物










學習目的: 1) 認識爬行類、兩棲類和哺乳類動物的名稱和外型特徵

2) 能分辨胎生與卵生動物

3) 培養幼兒愛護動物及尊重生命的態度

普通話兒歌 PN





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