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Highlights of the Week


Hello everybody! Our youngest learners had another great week at school! The theme this week is Emotions; our students looked at different emotions (happy, sad, angry and scared) in our lessons and had a chance to go through some breathing exercises that can help them feel calmer and more relaxed. Through singing songs and listening to stories, we discovered words like Girl, Goat, Gift, Green and Gorilla begin with the Letter G. For Math, we looked at the number 4 again and were introduced to the number 5. We enjoyed tracing the number 5 with crayons and showing five little fingers to our friends. We also had a lot of fun counting up to five using our classroom toys. We are really looking forward to more fun at school next week!


It’s been a busy but lovely week for the K1s as we have done a lot of activities and experiments. We read a story called ‘The Monster’ with our Cambridge friends, where Mike uses the moonlight to cast shadows on the grass. We got creative and recreated this activity by turning off the lights in our own classrooms and using a flashlight to cast shadows of our own monsters on the whiteboard. Critical Thinking was very eventful this week as we recapped our ‘5 senses’ topic and started the new topic of ‘Fighting Germs’. The students practiced their fine motor skills by matching and gluing cut-outs of activities with the corresponding senses. We also did a lovely experiment with soap and black pepper (which were ‘germs’) to demonstrate how we use soap to fight off germs. It’s been an eventful week and we look forward to more fun next week!


In K2 this week we are continuing to learn about the Five Senses. We discussed all five of the senses using vocabulary for each sense, and then we did a science experiment! It was a bouncy egg experiment, where we took a regular egg and let it sit in a jar of vinegar for two days. After the two days we could see that the egg’s shell had dissolved, and we were left with only a thin, soft membrane around the egg. That allowed us to actually have a bit of a bouncy egg! It was very interesting to use our senses of sight and touch to observe the changes the vinegar made to the egg each day. For Math this week we continued learning about neighbouring numbers, numbers 11-20. Everyone did a great job with their numbers! We’re all looking forward to next week when we get to have another science experiment! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


Hello everyone! What a wonderful week we had here at ABC! We have continued our discussion on our five senses. We utilized each sense when making our popcorn. We were able to see the difference from kernel to popcorn, we heard the pop when cooking, we could smell it cooking, we felt the difference between a kernel and the popcorn, and finally got to taste the popcorn (the best part)! For Maths this week, we have continued our discussion of telling time on an analog clock, and we have introduced ‘quarter past.’ We also have reviewed subtraction within 15, first using a number line then trying without. In our physical play we are working on our lower body strength with ‘sumo squats’ and ‘donkey kicks.’ Make sure to practice with your child at home to help build those muscles! Have a wonderful weekend and we will see everyone next week!






1. 認識陸地上動物的名稱

2. 能模仿動物的姿態動作

3. 認識「日」的字形和字義









主題:「動物」 -森林的動物



(1) 能說出森林裏的動物名稱及其外形特徵

(2) 初步認識瀕危動物名稱

(3) 培養愛護動物及尊重生命的的態度




學習目的: 1) 知道西醫和中醫不同的診症方法

2) 認識牙醫的工作

3) 培養幼兒養成愛護眼睛的習慣

普通話兒歌 PN





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