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Highlights of the Week


Hello everyone! It was such an exciting week at school this week since we had our parents joining in our classes. We have begun to talk about the Five Senses and we had a lot of fun identifying our different body parts in front of a mirror. For English, we learned all about the letter I and the new vocabulary (ink, ice, igloo, iguana, insects) that goes with it. We were very excited to take a closer look at all those tiny insects with our magnifying glasses and we also got the chance to feel ice during the lesson too! Brrr…it was cold! For Math, we were introduced to another shape which was the rectangle. We all really enjoyed playing a game where we had to find all the different shapes in the rice box and sort them into the baskets, which was so much FUN! We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


What a special week it’s been for us as we’ve really loved having our parents in our classrooms with us! We had an eventful Critical Thinking week as we focused on the concept of ‘sink’ and ‘float’. We did experiments with classroom objects and lots of different kinds of fruits and vegetables; it was really interesting to see our K1 students predicting what they think would happen and comparing it to what actually happened! In Cambridge this week, we continued our exciting topic of ‘My toys’ and learned to use the sentence structures “I’ve got a…” or “I haven’t got a…” to talk about our own collection of toys at home. We had a really sweet week in Math as we attended a monster birthday party; we celebrated the purple monster’s birthday and bought him lots of things that are purple in colour and shaped like hearts. We also made a heart shaped birthday card for him filled with all things purple! It was lovely having our parents join us in our learning journey this week and we look forward to another eventful week next week.


This week it was a blast in K2! We had our parents come in this week to see some of the fun we have been up to. In Critical Thinking we have been continuing to learn about our Five Senses, and this week we have been learning about our Hearing sense, as well as learning about vibrations and how sound waves work! We were able to play with a ukulele to learn more about vibrations and how they work. Each string vibrates in order to make a sound. Some of us were also able to observe rice bouncing (caused by vibration) when they were placed close to a speaker. This is getting us all prepared to make our tissue box guitars next week, which we are all excited for. In Math this week we learned about the equal sign and also about the numbers from 21-30!


Welcome back dear friends! Hope everyone had an amazing week. This week has been extra special for all of us since it's Parents Observation Week! The students showcased their class engagement and classroom decorum!

For our Critical Thinking this week, our students learned about Static Electricity through various experiments such as the hair and tissue paper static balloon experiment, as well as the salt and pepper experiment! We can truly say that our students had an “electrifying” experience!

Then, for our Math, we learned about grid maps. We had fun searching for treasures by using a grid map to locate different things! Then, we practiced our subtraction skills without using the number line to further challenge the minds of our students.

Last but not least, we focused on our lower body during Physical Play. We got to try mountain climbers and standing crunch workouts! It got our students work their way to be stronger! Wow, what a week it has been! Looking forward to another awesome fun-filled learning week!







1. 認識海裡不同的動物名稱







學習目標: 1 ) 認識多種玩具的名稱

2) 學習辨別物件的異同

3) 認識玩具的質感


主題----「食物」 在本週的主題-「食物」中,小朋友認識了不同類別的食物,例如穀物類和蔬菜類。當中小朋友開始掌握何為食物金字塔和如何達到均衡飲食。而通過老師提供的實物,小朋友更主動地分享自己的飲食習慣,包括較為偏好哪類食物。過程中,也嘗試自行設計健康的飲食餐單。 另外,今週老師仍引導小朋友認識表示時間的詞語。從中利用小朋友日常生活的例子,更容易促進他們理解何為時間。再通過趣味的遊戲令時間概念變得具體化。此外,今週小朋友更掌握了新的字詞「女、子」的寫法和筆順。 學習目的:

1. 能說出食物的所屬類別

2. 能圈出表示時間的圖片

3. 能依照筆順寫出「女」和「子」







(1) 認識健康飲食金字塔中食物的分類

(2) 學習設計健康的餐盒

(3) 知道均衡飲食是健康生活的基礎

普通話兒歌 PN





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