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Highlights of the Week


Hello everyone! What a fun-filled and amazing week of learning. We began our week by learning about toy vocabulary, selecting our favorite toy and saying its name out loud. The letter we introduced this week was the Letter J - we played a funny game that involved wearing a joker mask and jumping into a hoop. We all enjoyed it a lot. For Math we learnt about the concept of adding one more; it was a lot of fun adding cars, blocks and dinosaurs. Furthermore, we learnt about Winter where everyone pretended that it was snowing and we froze to the freeze song. Well done, little learners!


We have really enjoyed bringing all of our Cambridge and Math topics and concepts together for a revision week. We practiced our fine motor skills by colouring, matching, circling and tracing to revise our Cambridge themes of ‘My Face’, ‘My family’ and ‘My Toys’. In Math, we played lots of games like Scavenger Hunt and did some ‘mathercise’ (math with exercise) to practice our numbers and concepts. We also started preparing for the holidays and decorating our classroom for Christmas this week. The students are having a great time discussing Christmas and telling everyone about the toys they would like from Santa! We’re looking forward to singing more fun Christmas carols and playing more games as we get closer to the holidays!


For Critical Thinking this week, we explored more about sounds and students are informed that sound travels through vibrations. We introduced many instruments to our students such as a drum, an ukulele, a guitar and a triangle. Students were asked to make a sound whilst feeling the vibrations that are caused through hitting or strumming the instruments.

Next, we also introduced vibrations through materials and crafts that we are able to make by ourselves at home or at school. We did many experiments such as putting sprinkles on a bowl covered in cling film and letting the students hum or shout to make the sprinkles “jump”. Then we also made some “string phones” to let our students talk and hear each other whilst being further away from each other. Our students had a lot of fun making those crafts and experimenting with them together.

For Math this week, we practiced numbers 20 to 30 and we asked the students to think of the numbers before and after a certain number in a sequence. In addition, the students were taught the concept and the usage of the equal (=) sign. They were asked to count some objects and put the equal sign and the numbers equivalent next to the objects.


Hi Friends! Welcome back to the final week of November and the welcoming of a festive December for all of us! This week our students have begun their Static Electricity project which is the Scream Blow painting! As much as our students had fun drafting and drawing their funny faces, they were thrilled giving their faces some crazy blown painted hair!

For Math, we reviewed what grid maps are and we further expanded our location by 4x4 and 5x5; we found more treasure in our map activity! Then, for our subtraction skills, we got to learn and practice our skills without using the number line. Our students loved the challenge!

Finally, for our Physical Play this week, our students focused on their lower body exercise which were the Hip Flexor Stretch and Straddle Stretch! See you all again next week!







1. 認識寵物的名稱

2. 認識動物的本領—導盲犬





學習目標: 1 ) 運用感官探索玩具

2) 能與友伴進行競賽及合作遊戲

3) 能夠遵守遊戲規則


主題----「食物」 今週主題仍然是圍繞著「食物」。小朋友開始掌握不同食物的營養價值。過程中,老師引導小朋友去認識食物的包裝,例如塑膠或罐頭。而通過老師展示的圖片,小朋友更了解到食物可以有不同的烹調方式。他們更主動地分享和討論自己喜歡的菜式和調味。 語文技巧方面,小朋友開始認識表示地點的詞語。老師利用了小朋友日常常去的場所作例子,令他們能更快地掌握何為地點。另外,老師還會結合表示時間的詞語,從而讓他們嘗試去分辨。今週學習了一首新兒歌《均衡飲食》,過程中老師引領小朋友一起唸讀,更邀請他們根據兒歌的內容去創作相關動作。 學習目的:

1. 能舉例出表示地點的詞語

2. 能說出食物的不同包裝材料

3. 能唸讀兒歌《均衡飲食》





學習目的: (1) 探索食物的來源

(2) 簡單認識食物的消化過程

(3) 培養感恩及惜食的態度

普通話兒歌 PN





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