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Highlights of the Week


The rainy week didn’t stop our PN students from having a wonderful time learning at school. The children continue to learn more about their body parts and how we can take care of them. They got to work on their listening skills as well as recognizing colours by listening to the instructions given by their Cambridge friends Kim and Dan. They were asked to pick up a certain crayon and to colour in a body part. They tried their best to place different body parts in the right place when playing the Mr. Potato Head game. For English, the children were introduced to their new letter friend, the Letter M; the children discovered words and engaged with objects that begin with M such as Mat, Monkey, and Milk. Milk was a class favourite since everyone knows drinking it can make them healthy and strong. Lastly, for Math, it was reviewing shapes through a fun matching game. The PN students picked out toys of different shapes from a mystery box and had to figure out the correct trays to place them in.


What a wonderful and busy week it has been in K1! Our K1 students have been using their knowledge of both toys and our current topic of ‘My House’ to explore prepositions. They showed off their fantastic listening skills and the preposition knowledge by placing all sorts of toys on, in and under furniture around the classroom. For Critical Thinking, we said goodbye to our lovely fireman topic and have started exploring doctors and how they help keep us strong and healthy! All the K1 children were super excited to use the different tools doctors have to help them do their jobs. Did we also mention our amazing X-Ray crafts? For Math, our K1s continued reviewing the number 10 and the concept of ‘Front and Back’ through fun exercises and games that build great teamwork! We can’t wait for another fun-filled week as we get ready for Chinese New Year!


In K2 this week we have been learning about the post office and postal workers. It’s part of our “Community Helpers” theme this month. We learned about how the Hong Kong mail system works and how mail is delivered. We learned about mailboxes and stamps. Then we each created letters in class to give to our friends. It’s a good thing that we each have our own mailboxes in class, so delivering them wasn’t too difficult. We all got to play the role of a mail carrier and deliver our letters. In math lessons we have continued to learn combinations of 6-8, as well as counting the numbers from 40-50. We’ve enjoyed playing math games that test our addition skills. Sometimes the games can get pretty competitive, but we all have fun in the end. We’re looking forward to next week, when we learn about Chinese New Year and even have our Chinese New Year Party!


Welcome back friends! We hope everyone had a great weekend! For our critical thinking this week, our students got to know more about the other rescuers in our community apart from the paramedics. Specifically, they have gotten to know more about the coast guards, lifeguards and mountain rescuers - what they do and how they help save lives.

Then for Math, our brilliant students had a deeper understanding of the place value of tens and ones by the use of base ten blocks as their hands on learning. And then, they also learned to subtract three single-digit numbers within 20. Our students had fun practicing their taking-away skills while finding out what is left within a certain number.

And for our Physical play, our students had different types of play this week. For their individual skills, they practiced their mountain climbing planks to help develop their core muscles. They also got to practice their balance, by walking sideways on a balance beam. And they learned more about team effort and sportsmanship in their cycle through cones relay.

It has definitely been an eventful week! We look forward to another fun-filled learning experience with our students! But until then, we hope everyone has an awesome Chinese New year!


主題:「郊遊」─保護環境 你我有責



學習目的 :

(1) 認識郊遊可進行的各項活動

(2) 學習保持環境清潔

(3) 享受模擬放風筝的樂趣















1. 了解飛機的發明過程

2. 認識不同種類的飛機

3. 認識港鐵的外型、設施、路線圖

4. 學習根據路線圖乘搭港鐵

5. 注重乘車禮儀

6. 學會以動作演繹不同的動詞

7. 嘗試以時間、人物、地點的組合作句






1) 知道衣服的用途和功能

2) 探索各款衣服的設計和配件

3) 懂得欣賞不同國家的服式

普通話兒歌 PN





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